

The content in this website is accessible through 3 main categories (TimelinePopper and Prior) and 5 sub-categories under each of Popper and Prior.


Browse by Category

Timeline displays selected documents, ordered according to date. It illustrates events in the lives of Popper and Prior.

Popper contains all items related to K.R. Popper. Each item is accessible by clicking on its title. By clicking on Title or Date you can sort the items either alphabetically (by the title of the item) or by the date of creation. By clicking on Date you can also change between ascending and descending order of the items.

Prior contains all items related to A.N. Prior, sorted and accessible as in Popper.


Browse AllBrowse by Tag, or Search Items

Browse All displays all items sorted either by title in alphabetical order or by date of creation. Browse by Tag enables searching all items linked to any of the 10 tags: Prior, photograph, manuscript, Popper, lecture, media, correspondence, document, publication, interview. Search Items enables advanced search, for example by means of keyword or field.


Browse by Sub-category 

The items in Popper and in Prior are additionally divided in 5 sub-categories: Manuscripts, lectures and publicationsCorrespondence and official documentsIn the mediaPhotographs; and Interviews. The items in each subcategory are listed in alphabetical order (of title).