Arthur Prior: Manuscripts, lectures and publications
A.N. Prior, "Definitions, rules and axioms" [manuscript]

The original manuscript of Prior's paper published in The Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, vol. 56, 1955–56. Typed, with handwritten…
A.N. Prior, "Critical notice, The elements of formal logic by Hughes and Londey" [manuscript]

The original manuscript ofA. Prior's review of Hughes & Londey's The elements of formal logic, later published in The Australasian journal of…
A.N. Prior, "English and ontology" [manuscript]

The original manuscript ofA. Prior's paperlater published in The British journal for the philosophy of science, vol. 6, 1955–56. Mentions Popper in §7
A.N. Prior, et al., "Calculi of pure strict implication" [mimeograph]

A mimeograph of logic material from several authors, compiled by Arthur Prior and known as "LMMPT", after the authors’ initials: E.J. Lemmon; C.A.…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Equational & modal logic", Part 1: 'Papers on equational logic' [mimeograph]

A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury's…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Theory of implication", Part 1: 'Contributions to the investigation of pure strict implication' [mimeograph]

A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and…
A.N. Prior, "Is necessary existence possible?" [manuscript]

The original manuscript ofA. Prior's paper later published in Philosophy and the phenomenological research, vol. 15, 1955.
A.N. Prior, "Creation in science and theology" [manuscript]

The original manuscript ofA. Prior's paper later published in Southern Stars, vol. 18, 1959
A.N. Prior, "Nonentities" [manuscript]

The original manuscript of A. Prior's paper later published in R. J. Butler (ed.) Analytical philosophy, Blackwell, Oxford, 1962. The first 25 pages…
A.N. Prior, "Indirect speech again" [manuscript]

The original manuscript of A. Prior's paper published in Philosophical studies, vol. 14, 1963. Signed as Prior, Manchester University. Possibly typed…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Equational & modal logic", Part 2: 'Meredith S5 with functor-variables' [mimeograph]

A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Equational & modal logic", Part 3: 'Interpretations of different modal logics in the "Property calculus"' [mimeograph]

A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Equational & modal logic", Part 4: 'Terminal functors permissible with syllogism' [mimeograph]

A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Equational & modal logic", Part 5: 'Calculi of pure strict implication' [mimeograph]

A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Theory of implication", Part 2: 'The Lukasiewicz reduction of bivalent C–pure' [mimeograph]

A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Theory of implication", Part 3: 'Miscellaneous deductions' [mimeograph]

A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and…
A.N. Prior, C.A. Meredith, et al., "Theory of implication", Part 4: 'The system B, C, I' [mimeograph]

A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and…
A.N. Prior, "First things In logic" [manuscript]

A photocopy of Prior's manuscript for a children/beginners’ logic textbook. A note on the back page says "Copyright - 1970 Mary Prior". It is believed…
J. Bennett, "The paradoxes of strict implication" [Master's thesis]
The Master's thesis of Prior's student Jonathan Bennett, entitled "The paradoxes of strict implication", submitted in 1952. Prior supervised the…