HomeArthur Prior: Correspondence and official documents

Arthur Prior: Correspondence and official documents

Letter from A.N. Prior to the Rector, University of Canterbury

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Arthur Prior to the Rector of UC, 7 Feb. 1958, requesting extension of the leave of absence for Shorter

Letter from A.N. Prior to the Registrar, Canterbury University College

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Arthur Prior to the CUC Registrar, 23 Dec. 1946, accepting the position of Lecturer in Philosophy

A.N. Prior et al., "How things began"

AP034b_B0K9792 List 23-12-49 p5 Replies to AP.jpg

Debate between Prior and others in NZ Listener, following Prior's review "How things begun" of G. H. Duggan's book Evolution and philosophy on 9 Dec.…

A.N. Prior et al., "Religion in schools"

_B0K9785 List 8-1-45 p5 ANP Religion in Schools A.tif

A debate between Prior and Argosy on "Religion in schools", held through letters to the editor in NZ Listener, published on 8 Jan. 1945, p. 5 (Prior);…

Letter from the Registrar, Canterbury University College, to the Secretary, Universities Bureau of the British Empire

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The Registrar, Canterbury University College to the Secretary of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 24 Dec. 1946, informing the Bureau of…

Letter from the the Secretary, Universities Bureau of the British Empire, to the Registrar, Canterbury University College

AP073 UCU Correspondence002a.jpg

The Universities Bureau of the British Empire to the Canterbury University College Registrar, 3 Jan. 1947, acknowledging the receipt of the letter on…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1954

AP070h 17Feb&2March54.jpg

Record of six letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1954: on 17 February Prior wrote regarding student…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1953

AP070g 8Apr&24Aug&28Oct53.jpg

Record of letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1953: on 8 April they received Prior's request for…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1952

AP070f 7July&12Nov&30Dec52.jpg

Record of letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1952: on 7 July they received Prior's application for Chair of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1951

AP070e 2Apr51.jpg

Record of a request and two letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 April 1951 Prior asked the university for leave of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1950

AP070d 21March50.jpg

Record of a report and a letter from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 21 March 1950 A.N. Prior advised the university on the…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1949

AP070d marked 2May49.jpg

Record of a letter by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 May 1949, CUC received Prior's letter regarding the flat at 28 Gloucester…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1946

AP070c marked 11Nov&26Dec46.jpg

Record of Prior's letters received by the Canterbury University College: on 11 November 1946, CUC received Prior's application for the position of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1945

AP070a marked 15Nov&14Dec45.jpg

Record of the letters sent by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: in the letter received on 15 November 1945, Prior applied for the…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1955

AP070i 14Feb&4&10March&4Apr&4May55.jpg

Record of seven letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1955: on 14 February Prior applied for refresher…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1956

AP070j 11July56.jpg

Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 11 July 1956, in which he sent recommendations for…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1957

AP070k 28March57.jpg

Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 28 March 1957, requesting a part-time assistant for the…

Letter from A.N. Prior to K.R. Popper [2]

AP076, Letter from Prior to Popper 1 Jun 1952.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 1st of June 1952. Prior informs Popper that the position of Professor of Philosophy at the…

Letter from A.N. Prior to K.R. Popper [1]

AP075, Page 1.jpg

A letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 25th of May 1952, in which Prior informes Popper of his intention to apply for the position of…

Letter from A.N. Prior to K.R. Popper [3]

AP079, Page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on 14th of July 1952, in which Prior comments on logic matters.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [1]

Prior to Brasch 1 Nov 1946.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 1st November 1946. Prior discusses writing an article for Landfallabout…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [2]

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Letterfrom Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 23 November 1946

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [4]

Prior to Brasch 8 Dec 1946.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 8 December 1946. Prior informs Brasch that he has not finished the article…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [6]

Prior to Brasch 5 Jan 1947 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 5 January 1947. Prior updates Brasch on an article he is writing for…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [7]

Prior to Brasch 9 Jan 1947 page 1.JPG

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 9 January 1947. Prior updates Brasch on an article he is writing for…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [8]

Prior to Brasch 27 Sept 1947 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 27 September 1947.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [9a]

Prior to Brasch 29 December 1947.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 29 December 1947. Prior sends a note accompanying the manuscript of his…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [9b]

Prior to Brasch 29 Dec 1947 Letter 2 Page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 29 December 1947 and Brasch's reply. Prior discusses the manuscript of his…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [10]

Prior to Brasch 23 Jan 1948 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 23 January 1948. Prior discusses editing the text of the article to appear…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [11]

Prior to Brasch 10 Feb 1948 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 10 February 1948. In the letter, Prior enclosed a newspaper clip with the…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [12]

Prior to Brasch 31 Mar 1949 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 31 March 1949.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [13]

Prior to Brasch 7 Apr 1949 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 7 April 1949.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [14]

Prior to Brasch 21 April 1949 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 21 April 1949.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [15]

Prior to Brasch 30 Apr 1949.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 30 April 1949.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [16]

Prior to Brasch 14 may 1949 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 14 May 1949.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [17]

Prior to Brasch 1 Oct 1959.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 1 October 1950.

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [18]

Prior to Brasch 6 October 1951.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 6 October 1951. Prior is promising to write an article for Landfall for…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [19]

Prior to Brasch 2 Jan 1952 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 2 January 1952. Prior discusses with Brasch the publishing of his article…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [20]

Prior to Brasch 10 January 1952 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 10 January 1952. Prior discusses edits to the manuscript for the article…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [21]

Prior to Brasch 20 January 1952 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 20 January 1952. Prior discusses with Brasch the philosophy in Australia…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [22]

Prior to Brasch 30 January 1952.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 30 January 1952. Prior sent to Brasch some additional edits to the…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [23]

Prior to Brasch 12 June 1952.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 12 June 1952. Prior thanks to Brasch for forwarding him a note on 4 June…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [24]

Prior to Brasc 25 June 1952 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 25 June 1952. Prior suggested writing a reply to a latter to the editor.…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [26]

Prior to Brasch 21 November 1952.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 21 November 1952. Enclosed with the letter was Prior's article on the…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [25]

Prior to Brasch 13 November 1952 page 1.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 13 November 1952. Prior offers his manuscript "The logic of obligation"…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [27]

Prior to Brasch 7 June 1958.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 7 June 1958. It was a reply to a letter from Brasch on 3 June 1958, asking…

Letter from A.N. Prior to Ch. Brasch [28]

Prior to Brasch 9 September 1958.jpg

Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 9 September 1958. Prior thanked Brasch on his congratulatory note…

Arthur Prior's High School Academic Achievement

AP401 Wararapa College Top Student Scholarship.tif

During his secondary education, Artur Prior was a student at Wairarapa College in Masterton. The 75th Jubilee Book of Wairarapa College, published in…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1948

CUC Calendar 1948 001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1948. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1948 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1947

CUC Calendar 1947 001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1947. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1947 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1949

CUC Calendar 1949 001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1949. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1947 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1950

CUC Calendar 1950 001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1950. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1950 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1951

CUC Calendar 1951 001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1951. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1951 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1952

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The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1952. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1952 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1953

CUC Calendar 1953001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1953. The pages 16 and 17 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1953 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1954

CUC Calendar 1954001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1954. The pages 17-19 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1954 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1955

CUC Calendar 1955001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1955. The pages 18-19 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1955 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1956

CUC Calendar 1956001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1956. The pages 20 and 21 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1956 by…

Canterbury University College Calendar, 1957

CUC Calendar 1957001.jpg

The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1957. The pages 10 and 11 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1957 by…

University of Canterbury Calendar, 1958

UC Calendar 1958001.jpg

The Calendar of the University of Canterbury for the year 1958. This is the year when the previously Canterbury University College became the…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1945

AP070a marked 15Nov&14Dec45.jpg

Record of the letters sent by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: in the letter received on 15 November 1945, Prior applied for the…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1946

AP070c marked 11Nov&26Dec46.jpg

Record of Prior's letters received by the Canterbury University College: on 11 November 1946, CUC received Prior's application for the position of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1949

AP070d marked 2May49.jpg

Record of a letter by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 May 1949, CUC received Prior's letter regarding the flat at 28 Gloucester…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1950

AP070d 21March50.jpg

Record of a report and a letter from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 21 March 1950 A.N. Prior advised the university on the…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1951

AP070e 2Apr51.jpg

Record of a request and two letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 April 1951 Prior asked the university for leave of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1952

AP070f 7July&12Nov&30Dec52.jpg

Record of letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1952: on 7 July they received Prior's application for Chair of…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1953

AP070g 8Apr&24Aug&28Oct53.jpg

Record of letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1953: on 8 April they received Prior's request for…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1954

AP070h 17Feb&2March54.jpg

Record of six letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1954: on 17 February Prior wrote regarding student…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1955

AP070i 14Feb&4&10March&4Apr&4May55.jpg

Record of seven letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1955: on 14 February Prior applied for refresher…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1956

AP070j 11July56.jpg

Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 11 July 1956, in which he sent recommendations for…

Canterbury University College Registry Book, record of A.N. Prior's correspondence with the university in 1957

AP070k 28March57.jpg

Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 28 March 1957, requesting a part-time assistant for the…