Browse Items (246 total)

CUC Calendar 1957001.jpg
The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1957. The pages 10 and 11 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1957 by departments. In the department of Philosophy (p.10), Professor is Arthur N. Prior, M.A. (NZ),…

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A record of statistics of Popper's 1943 W.E.A. course "Philosophy of Nature and Society".

A record of statistics of Popper's 1943 W.E.A. course "Philosophy of Nature and Society".

AP072 UCU Correspondence003b.jpg
The Registrar, Canterbury University College to the Secretary of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire, 24 Dec. 1946, informing the Bureau of the appointment of Arthur Prior as a lecturer in philosophy.

AP070a marked 15Nov&14Dec45.jpg
Record of the letters sent by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: in the letter received on 15 November 1945, Prior applied for the position of Temporary Lecturer in Philosophy, while on 14 December 1945 CUC received a telegram by which…

AP070c marked 11Nov&26Dec46.jpg
Record of Prior's letters received by the Canterbury University College: on 11 November 1946, CUC received Prior's application for the position of Lecturer in Philosophy, and on 26 December 1946 his acceptance of the offered position of Lecturer in…

AP070d marked 2May49.jpg
Record of a letter by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 May 1949, CUC received Prior's letter regarding the flat at 28 Gloucester Street.

AP070d 21March50.jpg
Record of a report and a letter from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 21 March 1950 A.N. Prior advised the university on the results of the examination in Philosophy I; on 29 November 1950, he sent an authorization for payment into…

AP070e 2Apr51.jpg
Record of a request and two letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 April 1951 Prior asked the university for leave of absence to attend a conference in Australia; on 21 September 1951 the university received Prior's report…

AP070f 7July&12Nov&30Dec52.jpg
Record of letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1952: on 7 July they received Prior's application for Chair of Philosophy; on 12 November they received Prior's acceptance of the position Chair of Philosophy; on 30…
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