Browse Items (246 total)

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his 1944 course "Political Philosophy" [also refer to as "Political Ideas" and "Social and Political Ideas"].

The manuscript of Popper's lectures, titled "Moral Man and Immoral Society II"and "Science and Religion". Photocopy of mimeograph.

Martin and Ann on the waterfront.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Arthur Prior's son Martin, conducted in January 2017

Max Cresswell 2.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Prof. Max Cresswell, who was Arthur Prior's PhD student in Manchester, and later a colleague and a friend. The interview was conducted in March 2018.

A receipt for 10s paid to the Bennie S. Cohen & Sons by Karl Popper.

AP230 Jan Łukasiewicz.tif
A photograph of young Jan Łukasiewicz (21 December 1878 – 13 February 1956), the famous founder of the Polish school of logic, who had enormous influence on Arthur Prior's own development as a logician. Łukasiewicz is the inventor of the Polish…

A telegraph receipt for the payment of 5s 7d, paid by Karl Pooper.

_B0K9770 Land 10 p363 Review of APs Formal Logic.jpg
Review of Prior's book Formal logic, by R. G. Durrant, published in Landfall, vol. 10 (1956), pp. 363-365

AP238 Robert Bull.jpg
A photograph of Prior's student Robert Bull

Memories of Arthur Prior by his student, colleague and friend Robert Bull, written in January-February 2018
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