Browse Items (246 total)

AP251 Wedding photo of Arthur Prior's parents.jpg
The wedding photograph of Bessie (Elizabeth Munton Rothesay Teague) and Norman Prior. Sitting from left: the youngest sister of Bessie, Monica; Bessie's mother, Mrs. Teague; Bessie, second youngest sister of Bessie, Dora; standing from left:…

AP248 46 Perry St. Masterton.jpg
46 Perry St. Masterton, New Zealand: the family home and the GP office of Dr. Norman Prior, Arthur's father. Norman himself was born in that house and continued to live there when in 1912 he married his first wife and Arthur's mother Bessie, who died…

AP401 Wararapa College Top Student Scholarship.tif
During his secondary education, Artur Prior was a student at Wairarapa College in Masterton. The 75th Jubilee Book of Wairarapa College, published in 1998, reveals his high academic achievements in high school. On p. 92 of the Jubilee Book, A.N.…

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AP213 Prior, Ryle, Percival in front of Prior's home in Christchurch.jpg
From left: Arthur Prior, Gilbert Ryle and Edward Percival (zoology prof.), in front of Prior's home at 23 Vernon Terrace in Christchurch in 1954, during Ryle's visit to New Zealand.

AP221 Arthur Prior with colleagues at the East-West conference in Canberra.jpg
Arthur Prior (front central) with a group of attendees of the East-West philosophical 'working party' meeting in Canberra in December 1957, held under the auspices of Unesco. First row, from left: John Mackie, Alan Stout, Arthur Prior, ?, ? In the…

AP253 Arthur and Ann Prior in a 'cuddle seat' near the Cathedral Square, 2 Jan 1951.jpg
Arthur Prior carrying baby daughter Ann in a 'cuddle seat', near the Cathedral Square in Central Christchurch, in early 1951.

AP211 Arthur on the porch of his home.jpg
Arthur Prior working on the veranda of his home at 8 Macmillan Avenue, Christchurch

AP206 Prior on a bench in Cranmer Square.jpg
Arthur Prior sitting on a bench on Cranmer Square in Christchurch in 1953

AP202 Arthur Prior in uniform in front of a plane, 1945.jpg
A photograph of Arthur Prior during his military service in RNZAF, standing next to a plane

AP247 Arthur Prior in Auckland 1934.jpg
Young Arthur Prior on a family picnic in Auckland in January 1934, age 19. From left: Margaret Sinclaire (Arthur Prior's cousin, daughter of his father Norman's oldest sister), Ian Prior (Arthur's half brother), Arthur Prior, Mrs. Gregor (relative of…
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