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Prior to Brasch 5 Jan 1947 page 1.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 5 January 1947. Prior updates Brasch on an article he is writing for Landfall, that would appear under the title "Disruption" in the first issue of 1948. Here item AP027.

Prior to Brasch 9 Jan 1947 page 1.JPG
Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 9 January 1947. Prior updates Brasch on an article he is writing for Landfall, that would appear under the title "Disruption" in the first issue of 1948. Here item AP027.

Prior to Brasch 27 Sept 1947 page 1.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 27 September 1947.

Prior to Brasch 29 December 1947.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 29 December 1947. Prior sends a note accompanying the manuscript of his article on the New Church that would appear under the title "Disruption" in the first issue of…

Prior to Brasch 29 Dec 1947 Letter 2 Page 1.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Charles Brasch, the editor of Landfall, sent on 29 December 1947 and Brasch's reply. Prior discusses the manuscript of his article on the New Church that would appear under the title "Disruption" in the first issue of…

AP075, Page 1.jpg
A letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 25th of May 1952, in which Prior informes Popper of his intention to apply for the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College, and asks him for a reference letter.

AP076, Letter from Prior to Popper 1 Jun 1952.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 1st of June 1952. Prior informs Popper that the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College, which he intended to apply for and asked Popper for recommendation, has…

AP079, Page 1.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on 14th of July 1952, in which Prior comments on logic matters.

AP074 UCU Correspondence005.jpg
Arthur Prior to the Rector of UC, 7 Feb. 1958, requesting extension of the leave of absence for Shorter

AP071 UCU Correspondence001.jpg
Arthur Prior to the CUC Registrar, 23 Dec. 1946, accepting the position of Lecturer in Philosophy
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