Browse Items (246 total)

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Science in the Making" in 1939.

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Philosophy".

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper.

AP209 Arthur and Mary Prior, Arthur's father Norman and a group of children, 1953-4.jpg
Arthur, Mary and Norman Prior, Arthur's father, their children Ann and Martin, third and fourth from left, and their cousins. The picture is taken in the summer of 1953, at the farm of Arthur's half sister Elaine and her husband Iain.

AP246 The Prior in Wellington.jpg
The Priors at a family gathering in Wellington in 1958, at the house of Arthur's half brother Owen. From left: Ann (daughter), Mary (wife), Martin (son), Norman (Arthur's father, sitting), Arthur Prior, Jessie (step mother) holding two babies

A telegraph receipt for the payment of 5s 7d, paid by Karl Pooper.

A record of statistics of Popper's 1943 W.E.A. course "Philosophy of Nature and Society".

A record of statistics of Popper's 1943 W.E.A. course "Philosophy of Nature and Society".

A record of statistics of Popper's 1942 W.E.A. course "Modern Philosophy".

A record of statistics of the 1942 W.E.A. course "Religion - Modern Problems and Developments".
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