Browse Items (246 total)

A mimeograph of logic material from several authors, compiled by Arthur Prior and known as "LMMPT", after the authors’ initials: E.J. Lemmon; C.A. Meredith; D. Meredith; A.N. Prior; I. Thomas

AP070k 28March57.jpg
Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 28 March 1957, requesting a part-time assistant for the Philosophy Department.

AP070j 11July56.jpg
Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 11 July 1956, in which he sent recommendations for lectureship in Psychology.

AP070i 14Feb&4&10March&4Apr&4May55.jpg
Record of seven letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1955: on 14 February Prior applied for refresher leave (sabbatical) in 1956; on 16 February he informed the university that during his leave in 1956…

AP070h 17Feb&2March54.jpg
Record of six letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1954: on 17 February Prior wrote regarding student assistance allowence raised by £ 400; on 2 March Prior recommended Gillian Quentin-Baxter as a…

AP070g 8Apr&24Aug&28Oct53.jpg
Record of letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1953: on 8 April they received Prior's request for appointing permanent Senior Lecturer in Philosophy; on 24 August they received Prior's report on the…

AP070f 7July&12Nov&30Dec52.jpg
Record of letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1952: on 7 July they received Prior's application for Chair of Philosophy; on 12 November they received Prior's acceptance of the position Chair of Philosophy; on 30…

AP070e 2Apr51.jpg
Record of a request and two letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 April 1951 Prior asked the university for leave of absence to attend a conference in Australia; on 21 September 1951 the university received Prior's report…

AP070d 21March50.jpg
Record of a report and a letter from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 21 March 1950 A.N. Prior advised the university on the results of the examination in Philosophy I; on 29 November 1950, he sent an authorization for payment into…

AP070d marked 2May49.jpg
Record of a letter by A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College: on 2 May 1949, CUC received Prior's letter regarding the flat at 28 Gloucester Street.
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