Browse Items (246 total)

AP076, Letter from Prior to Popper 1 Jun 1952.jpg
Letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 1st of June 1952. Prior informs Popper that the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College, which he intended to apply for and asked Popper for recommendation, has…

AP075, Page 1.jpg
A letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 25th of May 1952, in which Prior informes Popper of his intention to apply for the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College, and asks him for a reference letter.

AP043 The Press STAFF CHANGES 18-12-1945.pdf
Newspaper notice of A.N. Prior's appointment as a temporary lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College. The Press, 18 December 1945, p. 2.

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portrait photo of Kenny.JPG
A memoir about Arthur Prior's life and work by his colleague and friend Anthony Kenny, written as an obituary for the British Academy. Kenny and Prior were both Philosophy Tutors at Balliol College in Oxford in the years before Prior's death.

AP070k 28March57.jpg
Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 28 March 1957, requesting a part-time assistant for the Philosophy Department.

AP070j 11July56.jpg
Record of a letter from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received on 11 July 1956, in which he sent recommendations for lectureship in Psychology.

AP070i 14Feb&4&10March&4Apr&4May55.jpg
Record of seven letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1955: on 14 February Prior applied for refresher leave (sabbatical) in 1956; on 16 February he informed the university that during his leave in 1956…

AP070h 17Feb&2March54.jpg
Record of six letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1954: on 17 February Prior wrote regarding student assistance allowence raised by £ 400; on 2 March Prior recommended Gillian Quentin-Baxter as a…

AP070g 8Apr&24Aug&28Oct53.jpg
Record of letters from Professor A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1953: on 8 April they received Prior's request for appointing permanent Senior Lecturer in Philosophy; on 24 August they received Prior's report on the…

AP070f 7July&12Nov&30Dec52.jpg
Record of letters from A.N. Prior to the Canterbury University College, received in 1952: on 7 July they received Prior's application for Chair of Philosophy; on 12 November they received Prior's acceptance of the position Chair of Philosophy; on 30…
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