Canterbury University College Calendar, 1954
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Canterbury University College Calendar, 1954
The Calendar of the Canterbury University College for the year 1954. The pages 17-19 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1954 by departments. In the department of Philosophy (p.18), Professor of Philosophy is Arthur N. Prior M.A. (NZ), appointed in 1952, while the new Lecturer in Philosophy is J.M. Shorter, M.A. (Oxon). The syllabus of philosophy courses is given on pages 84-85. Philosophy 1 included the topic of logic and scientific method, and among the required textbooks were Russell's Problems of philosophy and Bochenski's Precis de logique mathematique. Philosophy II covered logic and ethics, and among the textbooks for logic was Bochenski's Ancient formal logic, Lukasiewicz's Aristotle's syllogistic and Prior's own Logic and the basis of ethics. Philosophy III included the topic of history of philosophy, while the honours course included advanced logic, for which works by Frege we among the recommended reading, as well as the philosophy of nature, space and time etc., recommending for reading Ryle's Concept of mind. Philosophy for B.Sc., an introductory course in philosophy for science students, had in the recommended reading list works by Lukasiewicz and, for the first time, by Meredith. The section "Publications and researches, Philosophy", on pages 158-159, lists five articles by Prior: "Lukasiewicz's symbolic logic" (AJP 1952), "In what sense is modal logic many-valued?" (Analysis 1952), "Modality de dicto and modality de re" (Theoria 1952), "The parva logicalia in modern dress" (Dominican studies 1952, "On propositions neither necessary nor impossible" (Mind 1953). Next to Prior's publications we read about Mary Prior's M.A. Thesis, entitled "Brentano's theory of judgement".
Canterbury University College
MB.LG 741 .W4 .U58.1954
Copyright University of Canterbury. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
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8 printed pages
Canterbury University College, “Canterbury University College Calendar, 1954,” Popper and Prior in New Zealand, accessed March 9, 2025,