Browse Items (246 total)

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for the W.E.A. course "Religion - Modern Problems and Developments" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for the W.E.A. course "Religion - Modern Problems and Developments" in 1942.

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Philosophy".

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Philosophy" in 1940.

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper.

A letter from Popper to the secretary of the W.E.A, dated 4 March 1939, in response to KP8080. Popper said he was pleased to be invited to teach philosophy for the W.E.A.

Arthur and Jonathan Bennett on Cranmer Square.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Jonathan Bennett, who was a student of Arthur Prior, and did his Master thesis under the supervision of Prior. The interview was conducted in December 2016

The Master's thesis of Prior's student Jonathan Bennett, entitled "The paradoxes of strict implication", submitted in 1952. Prior supervised the thesis, and some of his papers are referenced in the bibliography. There are quotes from Prior's…

_B0K9811 List 31-3-50 p12 Review of ANP Logic & Basis Ethics.jpg
Review of Prior's first book Logic and the basis of ethics (1949), by John Laird, published in NZ Listener, 31 March 1950, p. 12

Young Jim Wilson.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Arthur Prior's student, colleague and friend Jim Wilson, conducted in March 2018
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