Browse Items (246 total)

A receipt for 10s paid to the Bennie S. Cohen & Sons by Karl Popper.

_B0K9813 List 24-9-54 p22-3 Man of Ideas on Ryle Visit to NZ.jpg
Article in NZ Listener, based on an interview with the English philosopher Gilbert Ryle, during his visit to New Zealan in 1954 and a photo of him, published on 24 September 1954, p. 22-23. Among other things,Gilbert Ryle talks about Arthur Prior,…

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Jim Thornton.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with the student and colleague of Arthur Prior, Jim Thornton. The interview was conducted in December 2016

Young Jim Wilson.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Arthur Prior's student, colleague and friend Jim Wilson, conducted in March 2018

Arthur and Jonathan Bennett on Cranmer Square.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Jonathan Bennett, who was a student of Arthur Prior, and did his Master thesis under the supervision of Prior. The interview was conducted in December 2016

Martin and Ann on the waterfront.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Arthur Prior's son Martin, conducted in January 2017

Max Cresswell 2.jpg
Audio recording and transcript of the interview with Prof. Max Cresswell, who was Arthur Prior's PhD student in Manchester, and later a colleague and a friend. The interview was conducted in March 2018.

Memories of Arthur Prior by his student, colleague and friend Robert Bull, written in January-February 2018

The Master's thesis of Prior's student Jonathan Bennett, entitled "The paradoxes of strict implication", submitted in 1952. Prior supervised the thesis, and some of his papers are referenced in the bibliography. There are quotes from Prior's…

Notes by John Eccles on Popper's lectures given at the University of Otago from 22 to 26 May 1945.

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