Browse Items (246 total)

A letter from Popper to the secretary of the W.E.A, dated 4 March 1939, in response to KP8080. Popper said he was pleased to be invited to teach philosophy for the W.E.A.

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Philosophy" in 1940.

An undated tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Philosophy".

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for the W.E.A. course "Religion - Modern Problems and Developments" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for the W.E.A. course "Religion - Modern Problems and Developments" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Modern Philosophy" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Modern Philosophy" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Science in the Making" in 1939.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his course "Political Philosophy" in 1940.
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