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_B0K9809 List 11-7-52 p12 ANP Review Vatican and Kremlin.jpg
Prior's review of the book Communism, democracy and catholic power byPaul Blanshard,in NZ Listener, 11 July 1952, p. 5

_B0K9808 List 8-5-53 p12 ANP Review Philosophers Mind.jpg
Prior's review of Passmore's book Hume's intentions, in NZ Listener, 8 May 1953, p. 12

_B0K9811 List 31-3-50 p12 Review of ANP Logic & Basis Ethics.jpg
Review of Prior's first book Logic and the basis of ethics (1949), by John Laird, published in NZ Listener, 31 March 1950, p. 12

The Master's thesis of Prior's student Jonathan Bennett, entitled "The paradoxes of strict implication", submitted in 1952. Prior supervised the thesis, and some of his papers are referenced in the bibliography. There are quotes from Prior's…

_B0K9770 Land 10 p363 Review of APs Formal Logic.jpg
Review of Prior's book Formal logic, by R. G. Durrant, published in Landfall, vol. 10 (1956), pp. 363-365

_B0K9773 Land 4 p257 Review of LBE.jpg
Review of Prior's book Logic and the basis of ethics, by S. A. Grave, published in Landfall, vol. 4 (1950), pp. 257 – 262
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