Browse Items (246 total)

_B0K9749 Land 1 p314 ANP Review Moral Sense.jpg
Prior's review of D. Daiches Raphael's book The moral sense, published in Landfall, vol. 1 (1947), pp. 314 – 318

_B0K9737 Land 1 p63 ANP Review Abolition of Man.jpg
Prior's review of Clive S. Lewis's book Abolition of man, published in Landfall, vol. 1 (1947), pp. 63 – 67.

Link to an audio recording of Prior's radio talk "Many-valued logics", part of the three-talk series entitled "The Logic Game" (1957). This is the third talk, broadcast on 17 November 1957. Only the second half of the talk is recorded. It starts at…

_B0K9785 List 8-1-45 p5 ANP Religion in Schools A.tif
A debate between Prior and Argosy on "Religion in schools", held through letters to the editor in NZ Listener, published on 8 Jan. 1945, p. 5 (Prior); 12 Jan. 1945, p. 5 (Argosy); 23 Feb. 1945, p. 5 (reply from Prior).

AP034b_B0K9792 List 23-12-49 p5 Replies to AP.jpg
Debate between Prior and others in NZ Listener, following Prior's review "How things begun" of G. H. Duggan's book Evolution and philosophy on 9 Dec. 1949: (1) Duggan's reply to Prior's review on 23 December 1949, p. 5; (2)Letter by Reader on 30…

AP056 Obituary edited 10Oct69.jpg
Newspaper obituary of A.N. Prior, The Press, 10 Oct. 1969, p. 12.

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AP054 edited, Prior back to NZ 10Jul65.tif
Newspaper article, with a photo, on Prior's visit to New Zealand from England as a guest lecturer in 1965. The Press, 10 July 1965, p. 16

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AP043 The Press STAFF CHANGES 18-12-1945.pdf
Newspaper notice of A.N. Prior's appointment as a temporary lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College. The Press, 18 December 1945, p. 2.

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AP048 The Press, Prior from Oxford 25 Jan 57 p80001 cropped & enhanced.jpg
Newspaper report on Prior's activities during his year of study leave in the UK

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AP053 Prior BA 27 Jul 63, p14 0000 cropped and enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior's appointment as British Academy Fellow, with biography and a photo of Prior.
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