Browse Items (246 total)

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Modern Philosophy" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his W.E.A. course "Modern Philosophy" in 1942.

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his 1944 course "Political Philosophy" [also refer to as "Political Ideas" and "Social and Political Ideas"].

AP227 Two man at East-West conference in Canberra.jpg
Two men during the East-West conference in Canberra in December 1957

UC Calendar 1958001.jpg
The Calendar of the University of Canterbury for the year 1958. This is the year when the previously Canterbury University College became the University of Canterbury. The pages 10 and 11 of the Calendar list the college academic staff in 1958 by…

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The original manuscript of David McIntyre's honorary degree citation for Popper, delivered at the University of Canterbury in 1973.

AP231 Warsaw School of Logic.jpg
The most prominent members of the Warsaw School of Logic in 1934. From left: Jan Lukasiewicz, Stanislaw Lesniewski and Alfred Tarski.

A water bill addressed to Hennie Popper from the Heathcote County Council, for 9s.

The report of the meeting of the W.E.A. executive held on Wednesday 22 February 1939. Popper's philosophy classes was recommended by the meeting as one of the proposed Christchurch classess to be offerred in 1939.

The tutorial class register for Popper's 1939 course "Modern Philosophy".
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