Browse Items (246 total)

AP230a Lukasiewicz-1947.jpg
A photograph of Jan Łukasiewicz (1878 – 1956), the famous founder of the Polish school of logic, who had enormous influence on Arthur Prior's own development as a logician. Łukasiewicz was a professor of philosophy at the University of Warsaw until…

AP230b Lukasiewicz in 1935 Lauerat.jpg
A photograph of Jan Łukasiewicz (1878 – 1956), the famous founder of the Polish school of logic, who had enormous influence on Arthur Prior's own development as a logician. Łukasiewicz was a professor of philosophy at the University of Warsaw until…

AP231 Warsaw School of Logic.jpg
The most prominent members of the Warsaw School of Logic in 1934. From left: Jan Lukasiewicz, Stanislaw Lesniewski and Alfred Tarski.

AP231t Tarski-01.jpg
Alfred Tarski (1901–1983), probably the most famous logician that came out of the Warsaw School of Logic. He was a student of Jan Łukasiewicz at the University of Warsaw. He emigrated to the United States in 1939, at the beginning of the German…

AP228 Lesniewski.tiff
Stanisław Leśniewski (1886–1939) was a Polish logician who is regarded, together with Jan Łukasiewicz, as the founder of the Polish school of logic. He was the originator of an unorthodox system of the foundations of mathematics, based on three…

AP043 The Press STAFF CHANGES 18-12-1945.pdf
Newspaper notice of A.N. Prior's appointment as a temporary lecturer in philosophy at Canterbury University College. The Press, 18 December 1945, p. 2.

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