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  • Tags: media

AP055 edited Prior to Oxford 17Sep66.tif
Newspaper photo and a clip about Prior's appointment at The Balliol College. The Press, 17 Sept 1966, p. 14

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AP056 Obituary edited 10Oct69.jpg
Newspaper obituary of A.N. Prior, The Press, 10 Oct. 1969, p. 12.

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_B0K9754 Land 2 p8 ANP Disruption.jpg
Prior's article "Disruption", published in Landfall, vol. 2 (1948), pp. 8 – 18

_B0K9773 Land 4 p257 Review of LBE.jpg
Review of Prior's book Logic and the basis of ethics, by S. A. Grave, published in Landfall, vol. 4 (1950), pp. 257 – 262

_B0K9765 Land 6 p49 ANP This Quarter.jpg
Prior's article "This quarter", published in Landfall, vol. 6 (1952), pp. 49-53, is a summary of Prior's impressions and commentary on the philosophy congress he attended in Sydney in 1951. This congress had significant impact on him as a philosopher…

_B0K9770 Land 10 p363 Review of APs Formal Logic.jpg
Review of Prior's book Formal logic, by R. G. Durrant, published in Landfall, vol. 10 (1956), pp. 363-365

_B0K9790 List 23-12-49 p12 ANP In Other Worlds - review.jpg
Prior's review of Signe Toksvig's book Emmanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic, published in NZ Listener, on 23 December 1949, p. 12-13

_B0K9785 List 8-1-45 p5 ANP Religion in Schools A.tif
A debate between Prior and Argosy on "Religion in schools", held through letters to the editor in NZ Listener, published on 8 Jan. 1945, p. 5 (Prior); 12 Jan. 1945, p. 5 (Argosy); 23 Feb. 1945, p. 5 (reply from Prior).

AP034b_B0K9792 List 23-12-49 p5 Replies to AP.jpg
Debate between Prior and others in NZ Listener, following Prior's review "How things begun" of G. H. Duggan's book Evolution and philosophy on 9 Dec. 1949: (1) Duggan's reply to Prior's review on 23 December 1949, p. 5; (2)Letter by Reader on 30…

_B0K9797 List 13-1-50 p15 ANP Review Mohammedanism.jpg
Prior's review of the book Mohammedanismby H.A.R. Gibb, in NZ Listener, 13 January 1950, p. 15
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