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  • Tags: media

AP044c Conference 25 May 53 p30000 cropped&enhanced b.tif
Two newspaper articles on the Philosophy Congress held in Christchurch from 22-25 May 1953, one reporting on the 2nd and the 3rd day sessions; the other reporting on the formation of the NZ section of the Australasian Association of Philosophy. It…

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AP044d Conference 26 May 53 p30001 cropped and enhanced.tif
Newspaper report on the final day of the Philosophy Congress held in Christchurch from 22-25 May 1953. It was the first ever philosophy conference held in New Zealand. The conference was international, as several of the speakers were from overseas.…

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AP045 The Press, Prior 27 Apr 55 p12 cropped and enhanced & arrow.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior being granted refresher leave for 1956, The Press, 27 Apr. 1955, p. 12

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AP047 The Press, Prior to Oxford 7 Dec p14 enhanced.tif
Newspaper article on Prior's plans for his study leave year in the UK

AP048 The Press, Prior from Oxford 25 Jan 57 p80001 cropped & enhanced.jpg
Newspaper report on Prior's activities during his year of study leave in the UK

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AP049 The Press,  Prior on Phil 7 Jan 58 p6 enhanced and cropped.tif
Newspaper interview with Prior on the significance of philosophical education, in the light of his UK experience and his attendance of the philosophy conference in Canberra

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AP050 The Press, Conference 22 May 58 p70000 small enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on the Fifth annual conference of the New Zealand section of the Australasian philosophy association, quoting Prior.

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AP051 The Press, Prior to Manch 4 Aug p10 enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior's appointment at the University of Manchester, a short biography and a photo of Prior.

AP053 Prior BA 27 Jul 63, p14 0000 cropped and enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior's appointment as British Academy Fellow, with biography and a photo of Prior.

AP055 edited Prior to Oxford 17Sep66.tif
Newspaper photo and a clip about Prior's appointment at The Balliol College. The Press, 17 Sept 1966, p. 14

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