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_B0K9811 List 31-3-50 p12 Review of ANP Logic & Basis Ethics.jpg
Review of Prior's first book Logic and the basis of ethics (1949), by John Laird, published in NZ Listener, 31 March 1950, p. 12

_B0K9800 List 6-4-51 p5 ANP review Christian Doctrine.jpg
Prior's review of the book Manuel of doctrineby J.M. Bates, in NZ Listener, 6 April 1951, p. 12-13

_B0K9809 List 11-7-52 p12 ANP Review Vatican and Kremlin.jpg
Prior's review of the book Communism, democracy and catholic power byPaul Blanshard,in NZ Listener, 11 July 1952, p. 5

_B0K9808 List 8-5-53 p12 ANP Review Philosophers Mind.jpg
Prior's review of Passmore's book Hume's intentions, in NZ Listener, 8 May 1953, p. 12

_B0K9813 List 24-9-54 p22-3 Man of Ideas on Ryle Visit to NZ.jpg
Article in NZ Listener, based on an interview with the English philosopher Gilbert Ryle, during his visit to New Zealan in 1954 and a photo of him, published on 24 September 1954, p. 22-23. Among other things,Gilbert Ryle talks about Arthur Prior,…

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_B0K9810 List 2-12-55 p16-7 Review of ANP Formal Logic.jpg
J. Dugdale's review of Prior's Formal logic, in NZ Listener, 2 December 1955, p. 16-17

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_B0K9801 List 10-5-57 p18 Open Mic review of APs talks.jpg
Article on Prior's logic talks given for BBC in 1956, during his sabbatical year in the UK, and a photo of Prior, in NZ Listener, 10 May 1957, p. 18

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Link to an audio recording of Prior's radio talk "Many-valued logics", part of the three-talk series entitled "The Logic Game" (1957). This is the third talk, broadcast on 17 November 1957. Only the second half of the talk is recorded. It starts at…

AP034_B0K9789 List 9-12-49 p17 ANP How Things Began - review.jpg
Prior's review of G.H. Duggan's book Evolution and philosophy, published in NZ Listener on 9 December 1949, p. 17. This review would trigger a long debate in NZ Listener, entitled "How things began".

A notice of the W.E.A. classes that states the title, time, location, and name of the tutor for each of the 13 classes. Popper's class was scheduled on Tuesdays.

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