Browse Items (41 total)

  • Tags: media

AP053 Prior BA 27 Jul 63, p14 0000 cropped and enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior's appointment as British Academy Fellow, with biography and a photo of Prior.

_B0K9811 List 31-3-50 p12 Review of ANP Logic & Basis Ethics.jpg
Review of Prior's first book Logic and the basis of ethics (1949), by John Laird, published in NZ Listener, 31 March 1950, p. 12

AP046 The Press, Prior 4 May 55 p12 cropped & enhanced.tif
The text of Prior's address "The Threat to Civil Liberties in New Zealand Today and Tomorrow" at the annual meeting of the Civil Liberties Council in Christchurch in late April 1955, The Press, 4 May 1955

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AP051 The Press, Prior to Manch 4 Aug p10 enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on Prior's appointment at the University of Manchester, a short biography and a photo of Prior.

_B0K9800 List 6-4-51 p5 ANP review Christian Doctrine.jpg
Prior's review of the book Manuel of doctrineby J.M. Bates, in NZ Listener, 6 April 1951, p. 12-13

AP049 The Press,  Prior on Phil 7 Jan 58 p6 enhanced and cropped.tif
Newspaper interview with Prior on the significance of philosophical education, in the light of his UK experience and his attendance of the philosophy conference in Canberra

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AP047 The Press, Prior to Oxford 7 Dec p14 enhanced.tif
Newspaper article on Prior's plans for his study leave year in the UK

AP057, The Times, Obituary 8 Oct 69.jpg
Newspaper clip of Prior's obituary, with biography. The Times, 8 Oct. 1969.

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_B0K9808 List 8-5-53 p12 ANP Review Philosophers Mind.jpg
Prior's review of Passmore's book Hume's intentions, in NZ Listener, 8 May 1953, p. 12

AP043 1952 Prior appointed Prof 8 Nov 52 p5 cropped & enhanced .jpg
Newspaper notice of Prior's appointment as professor of philosophy at Canterbury University College, including his biography and a photo of him, The Press, Sat. 8 November 1952, p. 5.
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