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  • Tags: Popper

The tutorial class register for Popper's 1943 course "Philosophy of Nature and of Society".

A tutor's session report filled out and signed by Popper for his 1944 course "Political Philosophy" [also refer to as "Political Ideas" and "Social and Political Ideas"].

The tutorial class register for Popper's 1944 course "Political Philosophy" [also refer to as "Political Ideas" and "Social and Political Ideas"].

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Prior's review of K. Popper's book Open society and its enemies, published in Landfall, vol. 1 (1947), pp. 136 – 142

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Photographs of K. Popper's student and Arthur Prior's colleague in Manchester, Czesław Lejewski. Lejewski (1913-2001) was a Polish philosopher and logician, who grew out of the Lwow-Warsaw School of Logic. He studied under Jan Łukasiewicz in pre-WWII…

The report of the meeting of the W.E.A. executive held on Wednesday 22 February 1939. Popper's philosophy classes was recommended by the meeting as one of the proposed Christchurch classess to be offerred in 1939.

A receipt for 10s paid to the Bennie S. Cohen & Sons by Karl Popper.

Official insurance papers for Poppers' house under Karl's names, Included are a contingency schedule and receipts of payments.

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A letter from Arthur Prior to Karl Popper, sent on the 25th of May 1952, in which Prior informes Popper of his intention to apply for the position of Professor of Philosophy at the Canterbury University College, and asks him for a reference letter.

A notice from Edward Lumley & Sons Ltd, saying that the insurance policy on the Poppers' house needed renewing. The policy was under Hennie's name. Included is a receipt for a cheque to the same company and the insurance cover.
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