Browse Items (246 total)

A rates notice from Heathcote County Council, addressed to Hennie Popper, for the sum of £14-7s-1d.

A rates notice from Heathcote County Council, addressed to Hennie Popper, for the sum of just under 13 pounds.

_B0K9801 List 10-5-57 p18 Open Mic review of APs talks.jpg
Article on Prior's logic talks given for BBC in 1956, during his sabbatical year in the UK, and a photo of Prior, in NZ Listener, 10 May 1957, p. 18

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A report to the W.E.A. executive meeting on Friday 19 May 1939, in which Popper was listed as one of the suggested lecturers to lecture at Paparua Prison.

A report to the W.E.A. tutorial class committee on Monday 15 May 1939, according to which the attendances for Popper's class is estimated as 40.

_B0K9810 List 2-12-55 p16-7 Review of ANP Formal Logic.jpg
J. Dugdale's review of Prior's Formal logic, in NZ Listener, 2 December 1955, p. 16-17

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_B0K9770 Land 10 p363 Review of APs Formal Logic.jpg
Review of Prior's book Formal logic, by R. G. Durrant, published in Landfall, vol. 10 (1956), pp. 363-365

_B0K9811 List 31-3-50 p12 Review of ANP Logic & Basis Ethics.jpg
Review of Prior's first book Logic and the basis of ethics (1949), by John Laird, published in NZ Listener, 31 March 1950, p. 12

_B0K9773 Land 4 p257 Review of LBE.jpg
Review of Prior's book Logic and the basis of ethics, by S. A. Grave, published in Landfall, vol. 4 (1950), pp. 257 – 262

AP238 Robert Bull.jpg
A photograph of Prior's student Robert Bull
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