Browse Items (246 total)

AP065i Tarskis Concept of Truth.pdf
Lecture paper on Tarski's theory of truth

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AP065g Systems of PC.pdf
Three pages of logic lecture notes mimeographed at the Philosophy Department of the University of Canterbury. The notes represent 8 sections of various propositional systems, meant obviously as an appendix to Logic notes III. The date is not given,…

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AP065f New Systems of Modal Logic.pdf
Two pages of logic lecture notes mimeographed at the Philosophy Department of the Canterbury University College/University of Canterbury. The notes are titled 'Some new systems of modal logic (1957-8)' and were obviously meant to serve as an appendix…

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AP065h Extesnsions to T&M.pdf
Instructions and exercises for advanced logic course, on some extensions of the system Q that Prior developed in his book Time and modality. The paper is dated from November 1957.

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The original manuscript of A. Prior's paper later published in R. J. Butler (ed.) Analytical philosophy, Blackwell, Oxford, 1962. The first 25 pages originate in 1955, followed by a note and 4 pages of corrections from 1962. In the note, Prior…

_B0K9797 List 13-1-50 p15 ANP Review Mohammedanism.jpg
Prior's review of the book Mohammedanismby H.A.R. Gibb, in NZ Listener, 13 January 1950, p. 15

_B0K9809 List 11-7-52 p12 ANP Review Vatican and Kremlin.jpg
Prior's review of the book Communism, democracy and catholic power byPaul Blanshard,in NZ Listener, 11 July 1952, p. 5

The original manuscript ofA. Prior's paper later published in Philosophy and the phenomenological research, vol. 15, 1955.

The original manuscript of A. Prior's paper published in Philosophical studies, vol. 14, 1963. Signed as Prior, Manchester University. Possibly typed in 1961, as no reference is of a later date.

_B0K9790 List 23-12-49 p12 ANP In Other Worlds - review.jpg
Prior's review of Signe Toksvig's book Emmanuel Swedenborg, scientist and mystic, published in NZ Listener, on 23 December 1949, p. 12-13
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