Browse Items (246 total)

AP050 The Press, Conference 22 May 58 p70000 small enhanced.tif
Newspaper notice on the Fifth annual conference of the New Zealand section of the Australasian philosophy association, quoting Prior.

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AP049 The Press,  Prior on Phil 7 Jan 58 p6 enhanced and cropped.tif
Newspaper interview with Prior on the significance of philosophical education, in the light of his UK experience and his attendance of the philosophy conference in Canberra

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AP048 The Press, Prior from Oxford 25 Jan 57 p80001 cropped & enhanced.jpg
Newspaper report on Prior's activities during his year of study leave in the UK

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_B0K9749 Land 1 p314 ANP Review Moral Sense.jpg
Prior's review of D. Daiches Raphael's book The moral sense, published in Landfall, vol. 1 (1947), pp. 314 – 318

_B0K9742 Land 1 p136 ANP Review Open Society.jpg
Prior's review of K. Popper's book Open society and its enemies, published in Landfall, vol. 1 (1947), pp. 136 – 142

MB2425-141596-Contributions-to-the investigation-028.jpg
A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury's Philosophy Department. It is marked as a donation from…

MB2425-141596-Contributions-to-the investigation-025.jpg
A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury's Philosophy Department. It is marked as a donation from…

MB2425-141596-Contributions-to-the investigation-024.jpg
A four-part booklet of logic material on strict implication. It is compiled by Prior, from his and notes by other authors, mainly C.A. Meredith and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury's Philosophy Department. It is marked as a donation from…

Equational & modal logic-396296-16.jpg
A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury Philosophy Department. It is marked as a donation from Prof. A.N. Prior to UC Library, made on 17 October…

Equational & modal logic-396296-15.jpg
A five-part booklet of logic material, compiled by Prior from his and notes by other authors, and mimeographed at the University of Canterbury Philosophy Department. It is marked as a donation from Prof. A.N. Prior to UC Library, made on 17 October…
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